Leaked love

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

As many young Chinese work overtime, leaving themselves with less time to socialize, some of them are resorting to dating apps in a bid to find a partner. But this comes at a cost. The paper.cn on Tuesday exposed a leakage of personal information from the dating app "Jiayuan." The report said employees of the app were able to access members' personal information, including records of chats and even which photos they have browsed. As a response, Jiayuan apologized and said it will make corrections. The company explained that its practices were to achieve a more accurate matching and to better serve its members. Users' privacy should be a top priority for companies at all cost, especially those that handle people's personal information. But in practice, to pursue maximum short-term interests, these platforms have ignored the rights and interests of users. They have failed their social responsibility and betrayed the trust of their users.




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